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Historical development of C programming language.

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Historical development of C programming language.
The ‘C’ programming language was developed in 1917 at Bell Laboratories by a system programmer named Dennis Ritchie.
This C-language derived its name from the fact that it is based on a language developed by Ken Thompson, and other system programmer at Bell laboratory.

  • ·        The adopted it name from a language that was known as Basic combined programming language (BCPL). To distingue the version of the language the first letter of BCPL .he named it B-language the first letter of BCPL weather B-language was modified and improved its present state by Dennis was named as C-language the second letter of is mere co-incidence that the letter B and C are alphabetic order. At those times all the systems used assembly language which required pages of codes for even simple tasks.
  • ·        C-programming language is closely related to Unix operating system since it was developed along with it.Most of Unix combined are written in C.
The basic goal was to create a language for writing operating system (O/S). Which became widely popular and became one of the most successful books written about computer science.
C-programming language was a mechanism for providing probability of assembly language.
Hence, C was original intended for system level programming.

Timeline of C-programming language

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